The First Edition of this book was released in May 2020, about two and a half years ago. Since its…
Building better code, together
The First Edition of this book was released in May 2020, about two and a half years ago. Since its…
Find yourself printing a lot to the Terminal during development and surprised to find your output missing? Read on…
While developing apps using Redis, if you are trying to use the command DEBUG and Redis throws the error “ERR DEBUG command not allowed.”, here’s how you fix it.
AWS Lambda makes it easy to build highly available serverless applications quickly. However, setting up resources in multiple regions makes…
Re:Link for Mac is a Browser, except that it doesn’t open any website; instead, it redirects the request to other installed browsers in the system based on customizable rules.
Re:Link is a Windows application that registers itself as a browser in your machine, intercepts your URL requests and link clicks, and open them in different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) based on a set of predefined rules.
MySQL is an RDBMS platform that stores data in a tabular format in a normalized manner, whereas, MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores information in the form of documents that are grouped under collections. The representation of data is completely different and hence migration of MySQL table data to MongoDB collections might sound like a mammoth task. Fortunately, Python makes it a breeze with its strong connectivity and data handling capabilities.
The book talks about challenges we face at work while dealing with people; like Conflict Resolution, Stressful conversations, Mean colleagues, Passive-Aggressive behavior, Handling stressed-out and demanding colleagues, Managing bosses, etc. Well researched, practical, tried and tested tips on how to handle colleagues and bosses and how to fix the problem are discussed.
Are you looking for resources to get started with migrating SQL Server Databases to PostgreSQL? This is the book for you. This concise eBook is intended to be a ready reference and a checklist for migrating your databases, applications and services from Microsoft SQL Server to PostgreSQL and discusses all the important information you need to be aware of before beginning a migration project.
One of the major challenges in Cloud is controlling costs effectively. This article discusses various strategies you can adopt to set up and operate non-critical workloads of your databases with minimal cost.
C# 8 comes with a host of changes and language improvements that make it more interesting than ever to write code in the world’s most popular programming language. This article describes the most important new features and enhancements to the language.
.NET Core 3.0, with a significant number of changes and improvements, was released on 23rd September 2019. The most important changes are discussed in this article.
This article describes different ways of setting up generated (computed) columns in different versions of PostgreSQL.
This article walks you through the summary of most important new features. enhancements and breaking changes in PostgreSQL 12.
This article describes the new Stored Procedure feature in PostgreSQL 11.5 and shows you how it differs from Functions.
This post explains a neat way to check if your are running on open source PostgreSQL or AWS Aurora (PostgreSQL compatible)
This article describes a simple and elegant way to allow write access to ASP.NET apps to the App_Data folder. This is required for applications to work properly when deployed in AWS Beanstalk.
DbStudio is a Database access tool that enables you to connect to a wide variety of databases. It is designed…
This article introduces you to BrowserSelector, an open source app that acts like a bootstrap to associate urls to different browsers installed on your machine,
This article describes a simple and elegant way to allow write access to ASP.NET apps to the App_Data folder. This is required for applications to work properly when deployed in AWS Beanstalk.
Windows Phone 8.1 was released on 14th April 2014 and has significant new features and performance improvements. Despite the huge…
Introduction The stock DropDown control that comes with ASP.NET allows us to select only one item. To overcome this limitation,…
System.String is one of the few classes in the .NET Framework Base Class Library that is given special treatment by the CLR. …